The Benefits of Using Shortcodes in SMS Marketing

Over 92% of people in Nigeria have mobile phones. SMS marketing is one of the best ways to reach out to them in a personal way. But for your marketing to be a real success, you need to get replies. Using a shortcode with keywords offers many benefits for your marketing.

  1. The short code becomes identifiable with your brand. Recognition is important in marketing. When you’re competing for attention among other text messages you’ll want your customers to know the message is from you so they won’t ignore it.
  2. A short code is easy to type. If you want to have people send you messages, they’ll need to reply to your message, or type in your contact number. A short code is a five digit number so it ends up being much easier for people to enter it into their mobile than a traditional 11 digit number.
  3. Short means easy to remember. To maximize your mobile marketing investment, you’ll want to advertise your mobile campaigns on multiple channels. If people see printed material, or hear your short code on the radio, they can remember it well enough to respond to your call to action.
  4. Short codes are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year even when the office or competitors are closed.
  5.  Short codes are a great marketing tool as they get potential customers to take action immediately by send the SMS – with no restrictions such as opening hours.
  6. Short codes can be used globally via mobile phone devices, to target all different markets, which in turn reduces marketing costs as the same number can be used worldwide.
  7. You can accurately measure the success of a particular short code campaign immediately through the web management platform.
  8. Short codes are a very effective and cheap method of marketing or communicating special promotions to your loyal customers.
  9. SMS short codes is a short number to place on promotion material namely TV ads and other printed ads (magazines, transit advertising, billboards etc…).

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